Posted Apr 13, 2021 by Rick
In an annual survey of stress in America conducted in January of this year, the American Psychological Association (APA) found that “84% of adults reported feeling at least one emotion associated with prolonged stress in the prior two weeks.” The most common feelings being expressed were anxiety, sadness and anger according to APA.
The survey of American adults found 3 major issues causing increased stress levels:
And the results seem to be consistent, regardless of a respondent’s politics. According to APA respondents reported stress emotions at nearly identical levels regardless of political affiliation with Democrats at 85%, Republicans and Independents citing stress levels nearly as high (83%).
So, what can we do? There are some steps you can consider taking to help reduce your stress and anxiety according to the APA. They include:
These are times of great uncertainty. Change is happening so quickly that it is hard to keep up. Taking intentional steps to cope is important for you emotional and physical health.
Make a plan – and follow it. You’ll feel better and help those who depend on you do the same!
You can find all the details of the APA survey and their tips for coping here: