Posted Jan 20, 2023 by Rick
Adaptive Human Capital’s President & CEO, Richard (“Rick”) Maher presented on building resilience to change and uncertainty yesterday in partnership with our friends at Workforce Professional Training Institute (WPTI). The session brought staff from NYC’s Department of Youth and Community Development (DCYD) together to better understand how to manage themselves, their team and their clients through the uncertainty and stress of our post-pandemic economy.
“The Building Your Change Resilience” session explored the characteristics of resilient individuals and agile organizations and offered a roadmap for leaders to begin to curate a culture of resilience in the workplace. This high-impact workshop is designed for employees at all levels and builds awareness of their individual change response. The session features proprietary research of the characteristics of both individual and organizational resilience and includes tools to help participants gain new insight on their tendencies in dealing with change and uncertainty. Finally, the group explored the Six Traits of Agile Organizations and the leader’s role in curating a culture that better supports employee resilience through change.
“Let’s face it,” says Maher, “we are living through a terribly disruptive time. People are stressed, anxious and feeling “stuck” waiting for normal to return, but, of course, it won’t. We’re not going back to normal, so we better figure out how to manage change more effectively.”
Designed to help people understand the traits of resilience during times of stress and uncertainty, the session provides participants new insights into their own change tendencies – helping them better understand how they tend to respond to disruption and change. Participants gained access to our our Individual Resilience AssessmentÓ as part of the training.
“While we were focused on leading organizational change – on creating more nimble cultures as a leader – leaders need to be able to lead themselves before they can lead others, so the offer of our resilience assessment lets folks better understand their areas of strength and opportunities for professional development,” continued Maher.
Readers can get a more information on the workshop on here.