Forward Thinking. Excellent Session
Rick’s expertise in presenting concepts, vision and more made this an excellent session. Fantastic! He should be asked to come back to the conference in October!

If you’re planning to introduce some form of change initiative, you certainly are not alone! We are living through a unique and challenging time where many all organizations report managing some form of change, and most report multiple change initiatives happening concurrently.
For decades, change management has sought to process changes through traditional means and methods. There has been a reliance of managing a process and doing so by effectively managing against a project plan, which – at the face of it – makes sense.
The problem with traditional approaches is that they tend to focus more on process and planning than on people, and we think that needs to change. Put simply, we need to change how we manage change!
Change management, in this new Age of Disruption, needs to be viewed as a challenge to create agile and nimble organizational cultures and not just managing through the process of any particular change event. Change is a constant today, and only through creating Agile Organizations can we effectively stay nimble and adaptive enough to avoid becoming the victims of some form of disruptive change.
So, the Adaptive Human Capital Organizational Change Model™ offers a different way to manage change by applying modern research from the science of Industrial Organizational Psychology to the challenge at hand. We don’t just manage change events, we help you create more #adaptive_humans – and with them – a more Agile Organizational Culture.
Our professional staff has experience with major change initiatives in both public and private organizations, and we can help you define a strategy that will tailor a future vision, map organizational resistance, draft opinion leaders to your cause and melt workforce resistance away to help you survive and thrive through change.
Then our Organizational and Individual Resiliency assessment products and structured learning solutions can help you measure progress and complete an integrated strategy that creates wins today and cements an agile culture for tomorrow.
For more information about our change consulting and assessment solutions contact us today!
Forward Thinking. Excellent Session
Rick’s expertise in presenting concepts, vision and more made this an excellent session. Fantastic! He should be asked to come back to the conference in October!